Posts tagged gifts
What To Get A Dad Who Has Everything

Every year at around this time, I come across the same question. What do I get my dad for Father's Day? My dad, like many others, is the type of guy who just buys himself something if he really likes it. He doesn't wait for someone to get it for him, though sometimes he will tell me or one of my siblings to get him something that he saw and liked and didn’t want to buy himself. Every year I end up looking at these lists that do not scream my dad at all. They are very focused on fishing and grilling which may work for your dad, but does not work for mine which is why I am making this list. I hope that your dad is like mine and you can benefit from this list.

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DIY Felt Valentines-  Conversation Heart Pins 

Each year, I often sew up a few hearts and put them in all of KCs gifts each year (we now have a collection) or I have a bunch of paper hearts that I slip into his bag as he leaves. I also really like to make valentines for my friends and co workers each year,  so I thought what a fun idea to make valentine’s that emulated these candies but were also pins!

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DIY Make You Own Grapefruit Soap

I recognized that the process was going to be hard for me to complete in a studio apartment. I was worried that the experience would be dangerous, to say the least I was very intimidated. That is until I was walking down the isles of Michael’s Craft Store and saw melt- and- pour soap bases. I read the label and say that you can literally heat this up in the microwave (or on the stove top). Once it is heated you can then add whatever ingredients you want and customize your soap bars to be the most like you! Making soap this way, is totally something I can get on board with. 

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